What you think will become the reality you live in

Most of us know that we have to take care of our body, eat healthy, exercise and sleep, but did you know you also have to take care of your brain?
Well, how we see the world we live in and embrace it matters a lot regarding what we get out of our life and where we end up. Well, you might think this is bull shitt, but sadly, it is true.
We always try to confirm that we are correct; if we are negative, our brain starts looking for the negative in everything. The same is if we are positive people. We see the positive in everything, and our brain looks for the proof everywhere, and our life is easier.
I was so lucky to work in a big company a few years back, and there we had many employees working on shifts. They all used the same equipment and the same facility still, some employees were so happy, and things were in such good condition, while others saw issues and problems everywhere. Guess what employees felt better and had less stress.
We all feel gloomy from time to time, but when we start to stay on the negative side of life, we have to do something.
If it is severe, we should all go and get professional help, but most of us can fix or prevent this ourselves.
Take a jog or brisk walk that will help you.
The most important is to train your mind to look for the positive in things and stop all negative thoughts, as thoughts are not reality. They are just thoughts, and you can decide how much time and energy you give it.
When a negative thought comes up let it pass out the other ear. I have found it best to visualise it like you are taking that thought to the dumpster and throwing it away.
Then train yourself to enjoy the small things, the lovely food, the sun, and the beautiful things in everyday life.
Just as becoming good at running, then training your mind takes time, and it will have bumps on the way, but believe me, this is an effort that will make your life much happier and better.